Tuesday, June 24, 2014

You're Here!

On June 2nd I had my 37 week checkup. I went there unsure if I should tell my doctor about the pain I had been having during my nightly contractions. I didn't want him to just say, "that's normal" and look at me like I was crazy. I decided to tell him about it (since it was VERY painful to the point of me screaming and crying and I had never had it with my other pregnancies). He then checked me and did an ultrasound. Right when he did the ultrasound and saw how thin my uterine lining was (where my precious incisions) were he said we needed to have you right away! I was super shocked since the c-section wasn't scheduled to happen for a couple more weeks. He went out to look at the hospital schedule and came back asking if we could go to the hospital at 5:30 am the following day (12 hours from then). I said yes and left the office to go tell your dad and siblings the news! I tried to call them, but they had JUST started their swim lessons. I drove as fast as I could to the place where they were being held, waddled my way over the pool, and called your dad over (while motioning to my belly). When he got over to the side and I told him you would be coming the following morning he kept saying, "WHAT?! Are you SERIOUS?!" He was so excited and caught off guard that he just got out of the pool with Ashlyn (before finishing the swimming lesson). Then right when Camden was done with his lesson we ran over to tell him the news. He was excited, but also cold and confused. haha. We then called your Grandma and Grandpa Young to see if they could head to our house that night to take care of your siblings while we were in the hospital. They said yes and starting packing up to come! We then scrambled all evening to get everything ready for your arrival (such an exciting night).

On June 3rd we got all of our stuff and headed to the hospital at 5:15 am. We checked in and got all situated in the hospital room. The nurse came in and got my IV in (I was sooo excited that she succeeded at this without much trouble...can't say the same for your siblings). I was ready for the next (scary) step!
We ended up waiting and waiting after this. They had an emergency c-section that they had to do that bumped us later. When they finally came to bring us to the operating room I was pretty shaky and you were going CRAZY inside of me. They had me sit as still as I could so they could do the spinal, but you were going so crazy (and I was so nervous) that it was very hard. Once the spinal started to work they laid me on the table and uncovered me and all the doctors and nurses were shocked once they could see my belly since you were going so wild in there. They acted like they had never seen such an active baby (you were ALWAYS very active inside of me...scaring me that you might escape). Then they prepped me and let your dad come in and started the surgery. I was alert the whole time and could not stop smiling. Right before they took you out they asked your dad if he wanted to peek over the curtain and see you come out...he said yeah and stepped around to watch. The nurses and doctors started freaking out because he wasn't supposed to come over to their side of the curtain...just look over it. Oops! Then we heard your sweet cry (at 8:47am) and you dad was able to go over while they weighed you and everything. You weighed 6 lbs 15 oz (the exact same amount as your older sister). When they had you all ready they brought you over to me and I cried and cried while your dad held your face up to mine. I was beyond happy and you were so calm and sweet the whole time. They took you to the recovery room to finish doing all your testing while they stitched me up. Then once I got there they let me do skin to skin with you and feed you. That was the sweetest time ever. You went straight to the food source and started eating. You were making the CUTEST noise with each swallow and your dad and I were bursting inside because we were so in love. We thought it was so cute that we actually recorded it (even though it showed my boob). You were trying to open your eyes and look around afterwards which was hard because they put this weird goop in your eyes to prevent infection. 

We were a little worried about your lungs (since you were so early) and your blood sugar levels (since I had gestational diabetes with you), but everything was perfect! You were totally healthy and totally happy and totally the most beautiful, perfect little thing ever.